Első útunk rögtön mélyvíz volt: múlt hétvégén, Boszi tenyészszemléjére Budapestre kellett utaznunk, kora hajnaltól késő estig éppen nem volt kire bízni a kicsiket; így kézenfekvő volt: visszük magunkkal "világot látni"... :)
A tenyészszemle előtt már Boszival felfedezték a terepet, ebben épp annyira fáradtak le, hogy nyugodtan aludtak az autóban ameddig Boszi vizsgázott.
Our youngsters've already got the necessary vaccinations, so we could start with them to go outside the garden.
Our first trip was quite a big step: last weekend, we had to travel to Budapest, because of Boszi's breeding exam, and I didn't have a "dogsitter" from early morning to late night that day; so we decided to take them with us... :)
Before the breeding exam, they explored the place, and became tired just enough to have a rest in the car, while Boszi took her exam.
In the afternoon, we visited a friend in Kistarcsa, where we made a short walk: again foreign noises, smells, etc; and in the evening (it was saturday): we walked on the "Budapest Broadway" (a lot of people, motorbike, taxi, trolleybus, etc); then came home... both of them behaved well, and of course, they were sooo tired by the end of the day. (but for the next day, tiredness disappeared :)
On another day, we walked in Sopron, and also collected a lot of caresses. :)
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