We had such an eventful weekend - not but that the other weekends would be boring :)

A tenyészszemlén viszont megszerezte a "küllemileg tenyészthető" minősítést, aminek nagyon örülünk! :) És az ebéd is nagyon finom volt :)
On Saturday we participated in a breeding and ability test with Lucky; organized by MRVE, in Soponya, in quite a beautiful environment. Unfortunately the ability test couldn't be succeeded; Lucky didn't find the hidden duck on the field... we had no luck, meanwhile the wind stopped blowing, and he was searching near and in the reeds, instead of the open field (as we did it at home when practising); and I also didn't know exactly where the duck was, so I couldn't really help him. We did the other task: marking well; he went, picked up, and apported the dummy dynamically; and in the end he swam with her mother, Lotti. (Lotti made her working exam there, congratulation!).
But, on the breeding exam, he got the required qualification for breeding (according to his appearance), I'm so happy about it! :) And the lunch was also delicious :)
Képek Lucky gyakorlásáról és a tenyészszemle utáni anya-fia találkozóról:
Photos of Lucky's training and meeting with his mom after the breeding exam:
Szombaton hazafele meglátogattuk Sunnycafe Clever Deal "Tony"-t, aki nagyon jól egymásra talált társával, Fülöppel, a törpe schnauzer-el. :)
On the way back home, we visited Sunnycafe Clever Deal "Tony". He became a good friend with his mate, Fülöp, the miniature schnauzer. :)
Vasárnap pedig állatsimogatós napunk volt, itthon - gyerekek jöttek; volt kutyasétáltatás, birka legeltetés, ló etetés, stb... szöveg helyett erről beszéljenek a képek (a linkre kattintva):
On Sunday our home turned into a "petting zoo" - some children came; we had dog walking, sheep grazing, horse feeding, etc... let the pictures talk instead of me (click on the link below):
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