The Mona-Arthur puppies became 30 days old "bigdogs"; and they got new collars and a new food bowl... Their first collars had to be replaced with new ones (they lasted for 4 weeks, it's not bad), the food bowl: I wanted to try this bowl made specially for puppies, because - theoretically - they can't climb into it (but of course some of them still managed it :) ) and all of them have convenient access to their food at the same time (that's true).
Képek 0-tól 30 napos korukig / Photos from their age of 0 to 30 days:
Az elkövetkező napokban név szerint, személyesen is bemutatjuk a piciket! :)
In the following days, we will introduce them by name, personally! :)
Mindeközben a felnőttek és a fiatalok: / Meanwhile our adults and youngsters:
Így november utolsó napjára megérkezett hozzánk is az első hó... (a kutyáink nagy örömére)
Érdekes volt látni, ahogy a fiatalok észreveszik, ledöbbennek, hogy mi is ez, majd kb. 2 percen belül őrült kergetőzésbe fognak a ropogós hóban... ugyan tavaly már láttak havat, de pár hetes korukból nem nagyon emlékeznek rá... :)
For the last day of November the first snow has arrived to us... (to the great pleasure of our dogs)
It was interesting to see, how they notice it, then getting surprised what it is, then after ~2 minutes they begin a huge crazy chasing game... though they already saw snow last year, but they were only few weeks old, surely they don't remember it... :)
Képek / Photos:
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Donna & Cili |
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