This year, we could finally go to Croatia, to Split, to the 4SummerShows (I wanted to get there since I heard about it; 2 years ago... because these are evening shows, so all day long we could lay on the beach, then at the evening is enough to go to the show) I liked it very much, I hope we can go back some time :)
Lucky-t neveztem be, már májusban (első nevezési határidőben jóval olcsóbb, ez nem kis szempont főleg egy külföldi kiállításnál), valamint Lujzit is elvittük magunkkal egyet nyaralni. Mindkét kutya nagyon élvezte a tengert, a vizet, egyáltalán nem zavarta őket, hogy sós... szerencsére az apartmanunktól 1 percre volt a tenger, és volt olyan partszakasz is itt, ahol gond nélkül bevihettük a kutyákat.
I've entered Lucky to the shows in May (in the first entry deadline); and we also took Lujza with us to have some holiday. Both dogs enjoyed the sea very much, salty water wasn't problem for them... the beach was 1 minute walk from our apartment, and there were some places where we could let them to the water as well.
On the first day, Lujza saved a slipper of a little girl - she brought it back form the water, because the little girl and her mates couldn't manage it; so everybody was really happy: Lujza could finally swim, and the girl got her slipper back. But after this situation, we had to let Lucky to the sea as well - so as we arrived, they 'tasted' the sea immediately.
A program minden nap strandolás, pihenés, egy kis városnézés - este pedig Luckyval kiállítás... mind a 4 napon kitűnő1 CAC minősítést szerzett, így jogosulttá vált a Horvát Show Champion címre (viszont mivel még csak 20 hónapos, egyenlőre nem igazolják vissza neki; majd csak 2 éves kora után).
The programs were: go to the beach, have a rest, swim, a little sightseeing - then go to the shows at the evenings with Lucky... he got all the 4 days excellent1 CAC, so he has fulfilled the requirements of Croatian Show Champion (but he is now 20 months old, and have to wait: officially can be confirmed after he becomes 2 years old).
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