Today, because of the wrong weather (= heavy rain) the puppies had to stay indoors... after they have eaten their breakfast and crawled in every prohibited place in the garage, chewed the boots, plastics, clothes - so I was so naive and thought they were tired and would start to sleep when getting back to their place... but instead that, they have continued playing and chewing and so on... let's see this video :)
- Események / Happenings
- Bemutatkozás / Introduction
- Jelenleg ELÉRHETŐ kölykök, kutyák / Currently AVAILABLE puppies, dogs
- Donna ♀
- Cili ♀
- Mimi ♀
- Lady ♀
- Nancy ♀
- Phibi ♀
- Gina ♀
- Lucky ♂
- Alex ♂
- Potter ♂
- Nyugdíjasok / Retired
- In memoriam
- "A"
- "B"
- "C"
- "D"
- "E"
- "F"
- "G"
- "H"
- "I"
- "J"
- "K"
- "L"
- "M"
- "N"
- "O"
- "P"
- "Q"
- "R"
- "S"
- "T"
- "U"
- "V"
- "W"
- "X"
- "Y"
- "Z"
- "A2"
- "B2"
- "C2"
- "D2"
- "E2"
- "F2"
- "G2"
- "H2"
- "I2" alom / litter
- "J2" alom / litter
- "K2" alom / litter
- Tervezett alom / Planned litter
- Kapcsolat / Contact
2014. június 30., hétfő
Csendélet / Still life week 5-6
Ma a rossz idő miatt (= zuhogó eső) bent ragadtak a kiskutyák... miután ettek, és minden lehetséges tilos helyre bemásztak a garázsban, megrágták a csizmákat, műanyag flakonokat, rongyokat, összevizezték az egész terepet, szóval ezek után én naív gondoltam hogy elfáradtak, és jól alszanak majd a helyükön... ehelyett ugyan kisebb intenzitással, de ott folytatták a rendetlenkedést a helyükön, ahol a garázsban abbahagyták. Egyedül Borka fáradt el kint, és feküdt le egy sarokba aludni (kivételesen, mert amúgy ez nem jellemző rá), Bosco elszórakoztatta magát egy flakonnal (amit Bessy-től zsákmányolt, aki ezek után sértődötten szintén a sarokba vonult aludni), Brenda a wc-nek berakott dobozt célozta meg szétrágni, Boris és Boney pedig a rongyokon folytatták a rágcsálást... ld. video. :)
Today, because of the wrong weather (= heavy rain) the puppies had to stay indoors... after they have eaten their breakfast and crawled in every prohibited place in the garage, chewed the boots, plastics, clothes - so I was so naive and thought they were tired and would start to sleep when getting back to their place... but instead that, they have continued playing and chewing and so on... let's see this video :)
Today, because of the wrong weather (= heavy rain) the puppies had to stay indoors... after they have eaten their breakfast and crawled in every prohibited place in the garage, chewed the boots, plastics, clothes - so I was so naive and thought they were tired and would start to sleep when getting back to their place... but instead that, they have continued playing and chewing and so on... let's see this video :)
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