2021. október második felében sárga kiskutyák születését várjuk! Lucky kislánya, Csézi az anyuka jelölt, első kölykei lesznek; az apuka pedig egy gyönyörű, munkavizsgás, champion kan Csehországból (http://www.retrievers.sk/eninthemood.html). 😊
We expect yellow puppies in the second half of October 2021! Proud mom is a daughter of our Lucky: Csézi, who expects her first babies; father is a beautiful champion male with working exam, from the Czech Republic (http://www.retrievers.sk/eninthemood.html). 😊
apa / father:
sir: Leonardo Of Angel's Head
(Loch Mor Romeo x Gitane Of Angel's Head)
dam: Give Me Five You're The Inspiration
(Richbourne Treasure Hunt x Exclusive Edition You're The Inspiration)
anya / mother:
sir: Dr.Happy Healings Spirit Power
(Jaguar Jackpot V.D. Weeward x Nice Hunter Beautiful Princess)
dam: President Pixie U'Top Maya
(A'Top Secret Sun In Their Eyes x Z'Honey Cream Sun In Their Eyes)
... I think the puppies will have quite an interesting pedigree 😊
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