We travelled to Tiszakeszi with two of our dogs - the Hungarian Retriever and Waterdog Club organized there breeding and ability test. Despite the really hot summer weather, they worked well, so both of them done the exams successfully, I'm so proud of them! 😊
Egyikük a 2 éves barna szukánk, NANCY:
One of them is our 2-year-old chocolate bitch, NANCY:
Lambada Something Beautiful "Nancy"
apa / sir: Greenstone's Journey To My Heart
(Epoch's Moccasin Joe x Greenstone's Cuppa Delight)
anya /mom: I'm Diamond Something Beautiful
(Show Me The Way Ethan For Aldamity x First Choice Something Beautiful)
2020.06.27. MRVE Tiszakeszi
Sikeres tenyészszemle és képességvizsga (tenyésztésre javasolt minősítéssel!)
Successful breeding and ability test (with qualification: recommended for breeding!)
HD A, ED 0
prcd-PRA, EIC, HNPK, CNM all free by parents
Az álló képek Tiszakeszin készültek, a küllembírálat helyszínén - a munka képek pedig a vizsga előtti napokban, tréning során...
The standing photos were taken in Tiszakeszi, where the standard judgement took place - the working photos were made during trainings, some days before the exam...
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