Az év utolsó kiállítása - legalábbis részünkről... 😇
The last show of the year - at least for us... 😇
We took part at the MRVE Special CAC in Budapest with 3 dogs: we took Lucky, who hasn't taken part at shows for such a long time, and it was obvious, how much he's missed that show-atmosphere (I know, I saw how much he enjoyed the whole day, how happy he was to be there and run in the ring again, he is a real show-dog 😄), and we entered our Gina and Csézi in puppy class: both got Very promising qualifications, and above that Gina was placed in that strong competition: she became the 3rd, among 8 puppies. Lucky also got a nice result: he was excellent2, resCAC in champion class.
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Csézi & Gina |
2019.11.30 MRVE Special CAC
Bíró / Judge: Mr.Sven Slettedal (Fieldvalley kennel, Norway)
Dr.Happy Healings Spirit Power "Lucky"
Győztes osztály: kitűnő2, resCAC (2/4)
Champion class: excellent2, resCAC (from 4)
Sunnycafe Girl on Fire "Gina"
Kölyök osztály: nagyon ígéretes3 (3/8!)
Puppy class: very promising3 (from 8!)
President Pixie Cheesecake "Csézi"
Kölyök osztály: nagyon ígéretes
Puppy class: very promising
Sunnycafe Glamour Girl "Poppy"
Kölyök osztály: nagyon ígéretes - köszönjük a gazdinak hogy bemutatta!
Puppy class: very promising - thanks for her owner to show her!
További érdekes része volt a napnak:
Another interesting part of the day was:
Lamborgini Something Beautiful "Lali"
... ő visszaköltözött a tenyésztőjéhez 2 hónapja, jó volt újra látni... a fajtagyőztes összevetéshez én vittem be: ő lett Best of Opposite Sex erős mezőnyben (73 labrador volt nevezve a kiállításra)

... he moved back to his breeder 2 months ago, it was good to see him again... at the competition for best of breed I took him to the ring: he won BOS in a strong competition (73 labradors were entered to that show)

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