Az eredményeknek is nagyon örülünk: Gina mindkét napon nagyon ígéretes1 és best minor puppy lett, Cili kislánya, Molly kölyök osztályban nagyon ígéretes1 és best puppy, Cili pedig első nap resCAC, második napon CAC címeket szerzett. Nagyon szimpatikus volt mindkét napi bíró: nem volt leíró bírálat, de sok kiállítással ellentétben szóban mindegyik elég részletesen elmondta a véleményét, nem csak kiosztotta a helyezéseket. 😊
At the weekend we took part in Hódmezővásárhely 2xCACIB, for the 3rd time, with 2 of our dogs: Cili and Gina. On Sunday we also met there with Cili's 7-month-old daughter, who went in puppy class, in her very first dogshow (together with her owner!). It was a very nice weekend, we had such a great accommadation directly on the blank of Tisza. For Gina it was the first time to travel and sleep not at home, but she did it so well! She behaved great through the night, the sightseeing/walk, in the restaurant.
We are also happy about their results: Gina got very promising1 and best minor puppy on both days, Cili's daughter, Molly got very promising1 and best puppy, and Cili got resCAC on Saturday, and CAC on Sunday. Both days judges were : there weren't any critique in writing, but they have given quite a detailed description about the dogs orally, not just placed them without any explanations. 😊
Molly - Cili - Gina |
Eredmények részletesen / Detailed results:
2019.09.07-08. Hódmezővásárhely CACIB
Bírók / Judges: Roxana Liliana Birk (DK), Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)
Sunnycafe Girl on Fire "Gina"
Bébi osztály: 2xNagyon ígértes1, 2xBest Minor Puppy / Minor Puppy class: 2xVery promising1, 2xBest Minor Puppy
Sunnycafe Fabulous Design "Molly"
Kölyök osztály: Nagyon ígértes1, Best Puppy / Puppy class: Very promising1, Best Puppy
Sunnycafe Classic Beauty "Cili"
Nyílt osztály: kitűnő2, resCAC, kitűnő1, CAC / Open class: excellent2, resCAC, excellent1, CAC
Sunnycafe Girl on Fire "Gina" |
Sunnycafe Fabulous Design "Molly" |
Sunnycafe Classic Beauty "Cili" |
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