Idén először jutottunk el vízpartra, a kutyák fantasztikusan érezték magukat (ld. képek), ezen felül Lali és Carlos 1-1 HPJ-vel, Cili pedig 1 CAC-al "gazdagodott" a hétvége folyamán. Lali folytatta, Carlos pedig elkezdte junior championátusát, Cili pedig a kölykök után különösen örömmel vette ezt a hétvégi kikapcsolódást!
I love the shows, which are organized near a lake or river. First, because of the view and environment, second, we always take our dogs to swim after the show, if it's possible - they are real waterdogs, unearthly hapiness can be seen on them these times, it's priceless! 😊
That's why I was waiting for Zalaegerszeg CAC, near the Lake Gebart - it was the 4th time we've visited that show, and we've spent a great time there now as well!
This year it was the first time that we visited a waterside, and our dogs found it fantastic (pls see the photos). In addition to that Lali and Carlos were enriched with 1-1 HPJ, and Cili with a CAC. Lali's continued, Carlos has started his junior championship, and Cili was extra happy with that weekend recreation after the puppies!
Részletes eredmények / Detailed results:
Zalaegerszeg CAC - 2019.05.11.
Bíró / Judge: Kardos Vilmos (H)
Sunnycafe Classic Beauty "Cili"
Nyílt osztály / Open class: kitűnő 1 / excellent 1 CAC
Lamborgini Something Beautiful "Lali"
Fiatal osztály / Junior class: kitűnő 1 / excellent 1 HPJ, Best Junior
Bíró / Judge: Dr.Balogh Zsuzsanna (H)
Riverlab's Don Carlos "Carlos"
Fiatal osztály / Junior class: kitűnő 1 / excellent 1 HPJ
Több fotó / More photos:
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