Idén kihagytuk a Fehova-t (pontosabban most nem a Fehovával együtt rendezték, hivatalos nevén Winterdogshow); helyette egy közelebbi helyszínre neveztünk Luckyval: Pozsonyba.
Szombaton championok championja, vasárnap pedig CAC kiállítás volt; a kettő között pedig belefért egy kis városnézés is - eddig ugyanis mindig csak átutaztunk ezen a városon.

This year, we went to Bratislava instead of Fehova Winterdogshow (as usual); we took part in Champion of champions on Saturday, and in a National Dogshow on Sunday... we also had some time for sightseeing - until now, we always travelled through this city. I have to highlight visiting the "UFO"... until 85m high we can only go with an elevator (moving in the pillar, which is not straight), and then we have to go up on a strange tight stairs 10m more to reach the top. Maybe it's not so fearful normally, but for a dog... it's a challange. (First, I thought, it's not allowed to enter with dogs, but it is :)
Lucky showed again his super temperament. In the elevator, he lay down, and almost fell asleep while traveling up. He did well to go up on that strange stairs; then down too. And of course, meanwhile he collected lots of caresses :) I was so proud of him, because of his behavior, and his great results at the shows:
2017.02.18 Championok championja SK

Növendék osztály: kitűnő1, CAC, Victory Junior Winner!
18.02.2017 Champion of Champions SK
Judge: Eva Felszéghyová
Intermediate class: excellent1, CAC, Victory Junior Winner!
2017.02.19 Bratislava CAC
Bíró: Jana Janek
Növendék osztály: kitűnő1, CAC
19.02.2017 Bratislava CAC
Judge: Jana Janek
Intermediate class: excellent1, CAC
Lucky 15 hónapos - 3 napja lépett be a felnőtt osztályokba (növendék, nyílt).
Lucky is 15 months old - he has just entered to the adult classes (intermediate, open) 3 days ago.
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