Boszi után megismerkedtek az apukájukkal, Alex-el, aki meglepő módon egész jól eljátszott velük (korábban nem nagyon érdekelték a kölykök), valamint nagymamájukkal, Monával, és a legfiatalabb növendékünkkel, Lady-vel... első körben ennyi, a többiekkel folytatjuk a napokban...
On Saturday, the puppies of Alex and Cili were 6 weeks old... they spend more and more time outside, and it's more and more difficult for them to get tired. 😂 They've started to get to know the other members of the pack: after Lujza, the first one as always was Boszi, our kuvasz. 😇
And they've already met with their father, Alex - it was surprising for me, how Alex liked to play with them (earlier he didn't show any interest in puppies). And they've met with their grandmother, Mona, and also with the youngest member of our team: Lady... and the others will come in the next days...
... és a 6 hetes fotóik / ... and their photos from week 6:
Lányok / Girls:
Fairy Story & Fabulous Beauty |
Fabulous Design & Funny Girl |
First Love |
Feel the Power & Forget Me Not & Free Your Mind |
Follow Your Way & Faithfully Yours & Forget Me Not |
Több kép / More photos:
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